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Soul Coaching Program

Moving You Forward!


Discover Your purpose!

Within your Soul is a Map.  Perfectly designed to align itself with the highest version of your Self.  All your life struggles, challenges and triumphs are designed to give you an opportunity to fulfill your utmost calling and innermost soul's desires.  

Each and everyone of us enter our incarnation with a Divine goal.  Tapping into your purpose requires delving into your challenges, strengths and passion.  Similar to an "Escape Room" piecing together the clues reveals the insight  to identify your purpose and obtain the Wisdom, Insight and Clarity that you are seeking. 

Working one-on-one in my rapid Transformational Coaching program may be exactly what you are being called to do in order to take you to the next level!  Explore my individual services  to see if it may be right for you! 

* This link will take you to  LindaMcFadden.Coach

Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Stepping into the Light - Inner Child Healing

We are here to be ALL.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  We are not here to be perfect - but to see the perfection in imperfection. 

And yet, many of us know this.  Yet we don't know how to actually do  it.   And so, we struggle day-to-day  pretending to be someone that we are not.  We don't want to appear weak, inadequate or even alone.  So we suck it up.  We put on the facade of strength to disguise the struggles within.  We pretend that everything is okay while there is something inside of us that is shattered.   Others believe that we have it all ~ only we know better.   We have tasted the tears of loneliness,  felt the ache of isolation and the fragility of the broken.  It truly doesn't have to be that way.   You are simply being called to greatness.  

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Do You truly know how to love Yourself on a Soul Level?

 Loving yourself requires a deeper commitment to truly knowing and valuing who you are and all that you are.  It transcends external, trappings of manicures, pedicures and massages (although those are really nice!) and leads you into a conscious awareness through addressing subconscious barriers in order to release the divine 'You".  The journey is a process which leads you from an "I-it" relationship with your self to the Sacred "I-thou" relationship with your Self.  

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